Canary islands photo contest

Canary islands photo contest

Blue Water Diving is pleased to announce the Canarian Government is promoting an underwater photography contest for scuba diving Gran Canaria.

The competition has been set for all the islands, so we are here to promote Gran Canaria and the underwater wonders that it has available.

Scuba Diving Gran Canaria hosts some amazing dive sites, and we have some great artificial reefs and wrecks to dive on, which make a great platform for some fantastic photos.

Check out – Islands Dive Photo Challenge

A great way to enhance your photographic skills would be to take the Underwater Digital Photography Speciality Course. This is a 2 day course where you learn and understand more about your camera and the correct methods of how to take good quality photos. Padi Digital Speciality Course

Through hands-on training during two scuba dives and guidance from your PADI Professional, you’ll discover:

  • How to choose the right underwater camera system for you.
  • The PADI SEA (Shoot, Examine, Adjust) method for getting great shots quickly.
  • Principles for good composition of underwater images.
  • Practical techniques to take great photos with your digital camera.

Get credit! The second dive of this PADI Specialty Diver course may credit as an Adventure Dive toward your Advanced Open Water Diver certification.

Sign up for Digital Underwater Photographer Online – PADI’s eLearning option – to get started immediately. The web-based system guides you through the principles of great underwater photography, with a bonus section on underwater imaging (including video). You study at your own pace through an easy-to-use, interactive program. You also have access to an online version of the Digital Underwater Photographer Manual.

Underwater photography is one of the most popular diving specialties, and with so many underwater cameras to choose from, it has become easier and more fun than ever to capture images of your underwater scuba adventures. The PADI Digital Underwater Photographer course gets you going quickly, whether you use a point-and-shoot camera or a sophisticated dSLR like the pros.

PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers who are at least 10 years old are eligible to take the Digital Underwater Photographer course.

All the best,

The Blue Water Diving team

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