Tips for Quarantined Divers

Tips for Quarantined Divers

Diver, diver I’m a resc…. Quarantine diver? Hold on that isn’t right. Pinching myself 3 times more to check if it’s not just a bad dream.

Let me introduce myself. I am Kevin, a Dutch guy stuck at home like everyone else in Spain and many other countries in the world. I’m a quarantined dive master at Blue Water Diving!? This sound strange isn’t!

Now us divers, this *censored*! We, as social, water fanatics are asked to stay home. So what to do if you are a quarantined diver? I’ve got 3 tips to keep yourself entertained!

Tip 1!

Have you got a camera? You know, the fancy action-cams you take with you on a dive? You must have got some amazing videos and photos! Open your iMovie or any other program you like and start editing! It's probably (as sad as it sounds) the closest we'll get to diving in this period!

Tip 2!

Watch tv, movies or series about diving! Here are my recommendations for our Netflix veterans: Black fish, Mission blue, Chasing coral, and my favourite: Last breath. Get the popcorn and prepare for some serious sofa diving!

Tip 3!

Increase your knowledge! Practise your buddy check. Surf on the web for info about that one fish you liked so much! And most important stay cool. Get a bucket of water, get into your wetsuit. Close your eyes… and.. let the illusion begin!!

I wish all my diver friends and family a lot of strength for this period!


Blue Water Diving

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